The CR SPOTLESS De-ionized Water Filtration System gives you the same spot-free rinse system used by new car dealers for years. But, now, at a price you can afford and with the convenience you need to make it work for you! Shipping & Handling is included in price.
Now, you can wash your RV, car, truck, motorcycle, house windows, boat, airplane and simply walk away, no drying required!! And, they guarantee it, no water spots or your money back!
Deionization is a method used most often by laboratories to produce purified water on demand. All naturally-occurring water contains dissolved mineral salts. In solution, salts separate into positively-charged cations and negatively-charged anions. Deionization can reduce the amounts of these ions to very low levels through the process of ion exchange.
Cations are removed by cation exchange resin. It replaces sodium, calcium, magnesium, and other cations with hydrogen ions (H+). This exchange produces acids which must be removed or neutralized by anion exchange resin. Two general types of anion resin are used for deionization: weak base resin and strong base resin. Weak base resin adsorbs strong acids, while strong base resin exchanges chloride, sulfate and alkaline anions for hydroxide ions (OH-). The hydrogen ions from the cation exchange process combine with the hydroxide ions from the anion exchange process to form water (HOH or H2O). Because the deionization process is so effective, the water quality is usually measured by the water’s resistance to electric current (in OHM-cm). The end result is purified water that won’t leave mineral deposits – water spots – on your car!